lördag 27 november 2010

New members

*(Edit: Alexander is not in the band anymore)*
Morito Ergo Sum welcomes its new members: Pablo Magallanes and Alexander Teklemariam

As the other members are:

Now only one piece is missing from this puzzle: a drummer. If you play drums, live in the Stockholm area, have experience both live and in studio, and know how to play slow, don't hesitate in contact us: morito_ergo_sum [at] yahoo.com.

lördag 20 november 2010

Not sinking with MySpace: moving to Last.fm.

So, before this whole thing (MySpace) drowns in its own shit, I am moving all the band activities to Last.fm and Bandcamp.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/Morito+Ergo+Sum

Me on Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/moritoergosum

Bandcamp (where you can listen the songs with MUCH better quality than in MS and download them): http://moritoergosum.bandcamp.com/

I am not sure how much Im going to use MySpace anymore, surely I will still be logging in everyday during the next weeks, until I figure out if Last.fm is indeed the best solution. Oh, by the way, I know many of my friends out there use Facebook, but sorry, I am not going to use that.

Pissed off as everybody,
