Day 2 began with me and Pablo recording the rhythm guitars for 3 of the 4 songs. As the songs are quite long, and we doubled our guitars, that took a long time. It was hard but fun work to do, specially when you are playing in such a great guitar amp as is the Peavey JSX! It was my first time recording as a guitarist (I am originally a bassist), and it was a bit of a challenge to control that beast, but in the end everything worked well.
Me and the "beast".
Mr. Mike Wead doing his magic.
Pablo and the "Doom Rig"
Harry also had the time to record his bass, and that meant that we are making quite a quick progress, which is good, because that studio is hot as hell!
Harry "Salvatore" Virtanen
Today we will record the rhythm guitars for the last song, as well as all the clean guitars and hopefully start doing the solos. In the meantime, here is a short video with some footage from the studio:
After setting up and miking the drums on Friday night, we began our Saturday recording the drums. Walter spend a lot of time tuning the drums meticulously so they could sound as we wanted: BIG!
Walter tuning the drums.
As some might already know, Walter is the voice of Morito Ergo Sum, but he always have been originally a very experienced drummer, and an extremely good and tight one also! The video below give a small example of his skills, showing him playing one of the very few fast parts that the upcoming Ep will have:
Everything went smoothly as hell, and he finished the 4 songs in just about 3 hours. Tomorrow we will begin recording the guitars, hell yeah!
Starting from this Friday (29/7) we will have a busy week ahead. Is it then that we will set up the drums for the recordings, that will begin on Saturday morning.
Everything is pretty much prepared. We even managed to find a violin player in Stockholm that will help us. Our guitars are being adjusted and tweaked by our bassist Harry (one of the best guitar technicians around), and I am even changing my guitar pickup for an optimal sound!
In the meantime I made a lot of progress with the artwork of the Ep. We just need to take some new band photos and then it will be ready. Unfortunately I can't show anything yet, as it is closely related with the title of the Ep, which is the name of the (secret) cover song we did...